As a Software Developer, I specialize in creating modular, scaleable, and well-architectured Web Applications. As a Technical Support Specialist, I focus on providing software and hardware support and training to the SJCSD employees.
Using Semantic HTML, I reinforce the meaning of content on a web page which helps search engines, screen readers, and other user devices determine the significance and context of your web content.
Utilizing advanced Cascading Style Sheets' tools and techniques I create the modern websites that employers and clients love to see. With a more responsive website, no matter what kind or size of device someone is using to view your site, it looks fantastic and works well!
Let's make your websites come alive. Utilizing JavaScript, the content created becomes interactive which engages your users and keeps them coming back!
Want to see your idea brought to life? Let's talk about how we can show the world how incredible it can be with a little coding!